
CCAE Event: Planning for a 100% Renewable New Mexico
September 19, 2017

With our Planning for a 100% Renewable New Mexico event, CCAE brought together representatives from environmental organizations, rural electric cooperatives, and Pueblos to discuss the challenges and opportunities in our transition to a renewable electric grid. We first set out our end-goal of 100 percent renewable energy to ensure that we are thinking long-term, and learned of ongoing efforts to reach high renewable penetrations. We then outlined some of the tools to increase flexibility on the system to allow for the incorporation of renewables on the system. Next, we discussed some of the challenges for communities impacted by a transition away from fossil-fuel resources, information gaps in our understanding of effects, as well as ways to facilitate that transition. We ended the day with an overview of ideas for next steps to implement needed changes. We hope this event leads to additional discussion and collaboration about our ongoing energy transition, and that the materials below are of assistance in that work.


Presenter and Panelist Bios

Participant List

Additional Resources



Tom Solomon,

Jeff Deyette, Union of Concerned Scientists

Phil Pettingill, CAISO

Loren Toole, Kalmia Consultants

Lisa Tormoen Hickey, Interwest Energy Alliance

Mike Eisenfeld, San Juan Citizens Alliance

Lee Reynis, University of New Mexico

Noah Long, NRDC

Amanda Ormond, Western Grid Group

Sanders Moore, Environment New Mexico


CCAE Webinar with Diane Moss, Renewables 100 Policy Institute
September 11, 2017




CCAE Webinar with Tom Solomon,
September 7, 2017

Tom Solomon.New Mex 100% CRE Webinar Sept 7 2017
